Monday, December 23, 2013

America's Myriad Tea Party Organizations

Nationwide Tea Parties All States

You Can Keep Your Doctor
Among the myriad of Obamacare “promises,” Americans were assured by Obama that “no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period.” This outright LIE will assure Tea Party Organizations victory over BOTH POTTIES IN 2016!
Unfortunately, the rank and file American is NOT in the MAFIA, never has been, and most likely never will be.
For the general population, the Tea Party offers respectable candidates the Democrats all rejected out of hand and Republicans thought NOT as Politically Correct as their own unviable candidate who has NO CHANCE because he is NOT CHOSEN to run but to LOSE! 
Over 16 Tea Party groups in Alabama
Over 5  in Alaska
Over 20 in Arizona
Over 17 in Arkansas
Over 68 in California!
Over 22 in Colorado
Over 21 in Connecticut
Around 2 in Delaware
Over 3 in Democrat stronghold of Washington,DC!!
Over 83 in Florida!!

And many, many more -- check link for YOUR STATE!!!
http://www.teapartypatriotsdotorg/local/  California

http://www.brightforsenatedotcom/   Dump Lynnzie Graham very notorious RINO big government guy

Rumors that former Governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin might run against notorious Mark Begich (D-AK) in 2014. Do you think this is a good idea?

The Tea Party Express founded as the tea party movement was awakened by the famous Rick Santelli rant that swept across the country in February of 2009.  Some no-good establishment Republicans have sought to splinter/destroy the Tea Party Movement from within the way the entire USA is being destroyed by Liberals in BOTH POTTIES!!! Yes, there are FLOATERS in BOTH POTTIES!  Some are at BOTTOM!

VOTE FOR Matt Bevin
Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate in Kentucky

Matt Bevin grew up in a financially humble home, built on a bedrock of strong Christian values, and was encouraged by his parents to pursue the American Dream. He is running for the U.S. Senate because he believes that the chance for future generations to achieve their own American Dream is in danger of being destroyed by elite politicians out of touch with the hardworking, independent-minded taxpayers that make our country great.

TEA Party Supported Candidates
Dr. Pam Barlow ~ for U.S. Congress TX
Matt Bevin ~ for U.S. Senate Kentucky
Konni Burton ~ for Texas State Senate
T.J. Fabby ~ for Texas HD 10
Bob Hall ~ for Texas State Senate
Art Halvorson ~ for U.S. Congress PA 9th
Mary Huls ~ for Texas HD 129   LINKS to ALL States

Ted Baehr
David Barton
Glenn Beck
Reb Bradley
Patrick J. “Pat” Buchanan
Jonathan Cahn
Ben Carson
Jack Cashill
Ray Comfort
Jerome Corsi
Ann Coulter
H. W. Crocker III
Bradlee Dean
Paula Deen
Gary DeMar
Daniel Estulin
Dr. James C. Dobson
Joseph Farah
Bill Federer
Carl Gallups
Pamela Geller
Jamie Glazov
Nehemia Gordon
Kevin R.C. Gutzman
Pastor John Hagee
Rebecca Hagelin
Ken Ham
Doug Hamp
Bodie Hodge
Thomas Horn
Paul Kengor
David Kenik
Kathleen Kinsolving
Aaron Klein
Ken Klein
Joe Kovacs
David Kupelian
Wayne LaPierre
Greg Laurie
Mark Levin
C.S. Lewis
David Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh
John Lott
L.A. Marzulli
Brion McClanahan
Josh McDowell
Eric Metaxas
Joel Miller
Chuck Missler
Dr. John Morris
Ralph Mroz
Andrew Napolitano
Chuck Norris
Ted Nugent
Brad O'Leary
James Perloff
Burt Prelutsky
Dave Ramsey
Dr. Judith A. Reisman
Joel Richardson
Michael Rood
Joel C. Rosenberg
Sid Roth
Barry Rubin
Bill Salus
Michael Savage
Walid Shoebat
Roger Simmermaker
Dr. Thomas Sowell
Robert Spencer
Paul Sperry
Jim Staley
David Stern
Creek Stewart
David Stotts
James Sundquist
Brian Sussman
Kevin Swanson
Suzanne Venker
Thomas E. Woods, Jr

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