Wednesday, April 27, 2016

When Ted (the Stealth GOPe Pawn) Cruz stepped off his campaign bus probably made in Canada, he was quickly asked by a really enthusiastic lady Trump supporter named Kathy Heil who was ired, fed up and bugged questioning Cruz about dirty, down low RNC tactics, he replied "matter-of-factly"

"I don't control the rules ..."

The Donald J. Trump supporter got very livid and angry very quickly, even as Ted Cruz coolly answered her with that amused expression which must have REALLY BUGGED the lady, who wanted some answers NOT some blah, blah akin to,"I'm just doing my job, messing up the best candidate this country has had since at least 1976.

Asked WHY? Cruz probably would have said,"WHY NOT? This way I do not have to wait for Heaven to get my rewards! Cruz is well aware that his predecessor former Texas Senator Fay Kay Hitchensun who got a "Heavenly plum" reward for forcing Governor Rick Perry to spend his Presidential campaign money on defending his "bird-in-the-hand Texas Governorship."

The Texas senator was making a campaign non-vine-in-the-jungle-swing through Indiana on April 25, 2016 when a woman who later identified herself as Kathy Hiel was said to have pounced on Cruz (like a half-starved jaguar?No, not hardly!) but anyway Cruz stepped off his campaign bus outside an ice cream shop to make a publicity video as if to say: SEE I DON'T have DIABETES! But maybe YOU do! so here's ice cream eating IN YOUR FACE!"
Kathy Heil stated,“We haven’t even voted at a local level yet, so how can you justify that and how can you say you are not the establishment candidate?” she asked POINTEDLY.

Kathy Hiel mainly appeared to be upset about the Republican contest’s results in Colorado, where Cruz swept all of the state’s delegates in a process that involved local and state party conventions rather than a statewide primary or caucus and NO voter response whatsoever. The OBVIOUSLY RIGGED outcome infuriated Trump supporters and of course, Donald trump himself which was exactly WHY the GOP Establishment did it.
On or about April 27, 2016, Ted Cruz chose Carly Fiorina as his VP in a FIT of presumptive Bad Taste, this after collusion with the John known as Kasich to rook Trump out of states he requires to be the only one eligible for the nomination without a convention in Cleveland,Ohio.
Even Texas Democrats filed an FCC complaint against Cruz.
North Carolina does NOT want grown men dressed as ladies for whatever reason, entering the girls' rest room "because on that day, they "feel like a lady" or just want to frighten all the females who are there already or who may happen to enter.
The squabble for a few days was the usual Christians versus the licentious "deal" until PayPal took a side. The Internet payment company made a "large deal of bloody veal" out of cancelling a 400–employee planned facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hopefully, this is not the same state that lost the aircraft plant "because North carolinians were seen breathing there".
PayPal has no "scruple infractional quandary" trouble doing business in Saudi Arabia where the penalty for homosexual behavior, to say nothing of switch–sitting, is significantly more stringent than in that hotbed of hate seen by a handful of people whose "Lodi being stuck in" is apparently North Carolina. Hmm is Lodi less desirable than say China Grove which is a "wide spot in the road" with a gorgeous hillside view and apparently a positively MAAAVELOUS mechanic. What querk of fate has hard-working rock musicians travelling about in whatever is available when politicians who can Skype and televise -- have expensive brand-new buses, usually made in Canada and NOT American ones?

Students singing the national anthem in a public area at 9/11 Memorial were silenced because an "unnamed and unashamed" said "they needed a permit."

GOP gerrymandering has created an uphill fight for Dems in the House which is seen as "turn about fair play."

Ultra-important legislation that would have modernized Florida's harsh alimony and child custody laws was ruthlessly "trashed" by lobbying gone haywire to extremes. Florida is behind so many states that have updated these laws to reflect the fact that most women now work outside of the home and that children need both parents to thrive, regardless of whether their parents are living together or apart.

Florida Governor Rick Scott (R), probably RINO **expletive** capitulated to fervent, intense, and crazed lobbying by liberal special interest groups and vetoed the hard-fought bill. The bill had gargantuan support, having passed both houses of the Florida legislature by super-majority margins. The governor’s office even admitted that they had received 13,000 calls mostly favoring the bill, with a 5-to-1 ratio for it, which apparently means NOTHING to the GOP Establishment. Advocates for the bill even "mobbed out" the office carrying signs in mid-April 2016, but the bill was "Jebbed" anyway.

The erstwhile Family Law Section of the Florida Bar Association (FBA) and radical feminist groups such as the National Organization for Women (AKA the NOW gang). The Family Law Section spent $105,000 to hire “emergency lobbyists” for a measly two weeks or about 14 measly over-paid days of fervent, intense, and crazed lobbying. The lobbyists naturally included some who used to work for the governor who became instant "cronies" but made so much money that they cared not.

Islamic State jihadi, perhaps influenced by Saudi Sunni jihadi, have leaked word of a scheme to bring jihadis into the U.S. via Mexico. Five Syrians were apprehended skulking into California in early 2016.

History will have to record the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamour of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. -- Martin Luther King,Jr.

Mr. Obama stated while referring specifically to Republicans like Sen. John F. McCain, who initially supported an immigration overhual but in 2010 began stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure,  “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”



Saul Alinsky’s Toilet and Potty Tactics: Isolate them. Freeze them. Polarize them. The liberals all use the same Rule of Thumb For radicals tactic folks:  Isolate it, freeze it, and polarize it by skipping step 2, and using step 3 instead:

Liberals make a claim based on a false accusation, such as “conservatives hate gays because we oppose gay marriage.”
Should conservatives happen to fall for the tactic and argue their false claims, liberals keep right on debating, like trying to debate “why you hate gays.”
Should conservatives happen to expose the fact that liberals lied to start the argument in the FIRST PLACE,
they ignore the exposure of the LIE, then make up more false claims
claim conservatives have insulted them, begin attacking said conservatives as mean, spiteful, straight-razor-toting and hateful, for instance.
There are 11 tactics of deception used by Leftist liberals, documented in Atlas Shouts.
Wash, Rinse. Repeat.
Step 2 will just allow them to waste peoples' time, and inflate liberal egos.

The final insult to all this is the leftists REFUSE TO enforce any of these rules in the Islamic communities they set up and establish here in the US.  The "rules" only apply for conservative areas. Muslims can do as they please.

HEADS-UP -- "The book, Atlas Shouts" is an Erin Brockavitch-style investigative report  exposing economic pollution.  Erin Brockavitch while working in a law office discovered that the very people profiting from the chemical pollution - factory investors - despised her, the local factory workers hated her, the tax collectors whose tax base was threatened -- all hated and dispised her.  Nevertheless, her findings were eventually celebrated as people came to the realization that the situation was unnecessarily  unhealthy for the general population.

"Atlas Shouts" discusses economic pollution, about those responsible for poisoning the town's economic well.  "Atlas Shouts" also explains how to fix it.   All is carefully explained in a manner with organization which the common citizen can understand and completely digest.
Group One consists of conservatives and constructionists, while Group Two is composed of Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, Socialists and Leftists.

A TERROR ALERT went out on or about April 20, 2016, because over 500 pounds of high explosives were stolen from a CSX train that was between Chicago and Detroit. a law enforcement source says the amount stolen has authorities concerned that the explosives could fall into the wrong hands.

The theft was reported at that time but the case has not yet gone public. The (Alcohol Tobacco Firearms [and explosives] ATF was seriously considering issuing an advisory and announcing a reward "later".
The authorities are [DUH!] concerned that the explosives could fall into the wrong hands and a few are probably making wagers amongst themselves as to how soon "somebody's a-gonna get hurt." Hmm, on a critically important and dangerous shipment like this,"WHY didn't at least a TRIO of heavily armed "authorities" guard this cargo?" Could it be that "an authority" needs a "belly porthole" because his head is in "an oriface" while his body is safely ensconced in an office?
A [brighter specimen] spokesman for the ATF in Detroit, Michigan called this a very serious case. an excuse offered was that "technically the explosives are classified as fireworks but because they are commercial grade combined with the quantity renders them extremely dangerous." The ATF states that the explosives are a lot more volatile [i.e. subject to explode]and typically only handled by professionals. This could be the EXCUSE as to WHY the explosives were not heavily guarded. Occupational Safety (OSHA) would probably REQUIRE a "professional fireworks handler" to accompany the guards for the entire trip which in and of itself MIGHT take DAYS [an reams] of paperwork. One must wonder how many times guards were posted with shipments who had NO IDEA what they were guarding "to avoid paperwork and panic."

No less that 32 cases of the explosives are missing but not to worry...the Detroit investigators are on the case. Hopefully these people are Axel Foley, Jackie Chan, Jet Lee and Arnold Swartzenegger and not the "usual suspects". Perhaps we could "volunteer" the Arizona, Texas Rangers, and various Highway Patrol officers from some of the 50 states -- to assist.
Chelsea Clinton made the claim that since late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is no longer on the Supreme Court due to being quite dead, it is now possible to enact more gun control, if her mother Hillary Clinton is elected to nominate a liberal justice.
During a campaign event to help her desperate mother, Chelsea Clinton stated, “It matters to me that my mom also recognizes the role the Supreme Court has when it comes to gun control. With Justice Scalia on the bench, one of the few areas where the court actually had an inconsistent record relates to gun control.”

Not to worry, CC, the illustrious RNC is planning a complete "cave in" on principals which set up this fiasco scenario in the first place. If the RNC had opposed Obama's Sodamyer and Kringle appointments intelligently the way they are pretending to oppose the Garland appointment presently, this situation might have been averted entirely, just saying. The two previously short-listed liberals were opposed for an average of about six weeks each although BOTH were notoriously pro-Obamacare and made no secret of their ardor for it. Every GOP Senator should have acute insomnia from a guilty conscious having allowed not ONE but TWO liberal appointments in the same CENTURY but few have any feelings whatsoever, especially the one who has been a Senator longer than most people have been ALIVE and is "carrying a torch" for Ruth Bader Ginsberg. He apparently DREAMS of her at night, perhaps making long "broom" flights without any port or starboard lights.

RNC will not re-write its convention rules although they were written with Paul Ryan in mind, because he apparently had only 9 states in his dufflebag and perhaps 1236 delegates...

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