Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chappaquaddick_thinker Tries To Fathom Democrat Hijinks

Socialist AKA Progressives AKA Populist AKA EnvironMENTALS seek to take over American life ONE UNWANTED LAW at a time. The TARP or Troubled Asset Relief Program was supposed to give poor banks like Bank of America and financial institutions like CitiGroup, money. These TWO were the only ones required by law to keep up with the money went,

In the immortal words of Hoyt Axton, minstral, folk. and country singer now deceased,"Where Did the Money Go?" As of January 23,2010 some $293 billion has been "hosed into the wind."

Here's the rub. As of early February, 2010 194.2 billion has gone to 317 financial firms from TARP. It has been said, seemimgly belated;y, that TARP's special inspector general, Neal Barofsky will ask for reports detailing HOW the money was spent as well as get their announcing of how they intend to comply with the new executive compensation rules.

There was much made and much demonizing because of GIANT bonuses paid out of taxpayer funded TARP money. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo raised questions of how 1556 Goldman Sachs employees took home over $1 million in bonuses AFTER TARP loans were accepted of $10 billion. If each and every one got the million it would still be a fraction of the $10 billion.

Where did the $9 Billion 998 million go?

What Eric Holder and other administration officials knew long ago but pretended not to know what that MOST if not all companies had CONTRACTS for bonuses and some even stock options which BY LAW had to be paid.

So the Obama people were just playing games, winking at their big money friends on Wall Street.

After all Eric Holder was hired from being the Federal Reserve head New York division. To be fair, Robert Rubin and Henry Paulsen, two former Goldman Sachs heavies became the United States Secretary of the Treasury under BJ Clinton and George W. Bush respectively. So getting foxes to guard the henhouse so to speak, is nothing new. These two presidents made NO GALLANT PRETENTIOUS PROMISES OF NOT hiring lobyists as did Obama.

The notorious Senate Banking Committee chairman Christopher Dodd of Countrywide lending favoritism infamosity, was lettered by Neal Barofsky to wit...taxpayers are funding these loans and deserve to know how the money is/was spent.

As taxpayers we will certainly NEVER know where so much money has GONE so we have to throw the bums OUT...every stinking, rotten progressive of BOTH parties needs to be thrown out on his/her kiester or buttocks.

Some of us used to think money was lost/evaporated and rather than see their friends tossed out of windows by irate Arab and Asian investers, taxpayers had to chip in and save their good-for-nothing hides. Oh to be certain, the EXCUSE was to cause banks to loosen up constrained credit and relieve the economic slowdown.

BUT banks continued to be tight with loans so it was JUST A PAYOFF for election contributions...especially since ONLY TWO of 319 have responsibility for fessing up to WHERE THE MONEY WENT!

Many politicians have read the proverbial "tea leaves" or the "writing on the wall" and are retiring. They know that the voters are thoroughly LIVID, angry and POed and are voting with "BLOOD IN OUR EYES".

The really STUPID ones like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are from brainless liberal districts where the voters have excrement for brains THUS they are NOT worried. Fortunately for the rest of us, even nitwit Navadians and San FranSICKO people are WISEing up! But will they throw the BUMS OUT? Too much to hope for unfortunately...the majority of them will never "GROW a BRAIN" or see the light, much less get a spine as the expression goes.

We have to vote out DOZENS of them...and that is EXACTLY what we will do!

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